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Fatality in France

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:42 am
by Feng
On the 14th July a French man 42 years married with a child died.
It seems that he was a beginner who has been playing with a 6.5 meters F-one Bandit on a narrow beach for 15 minutes with a 30 knots wind.
He was hold at the harness handle by his friend a 4 years kiters.
A some point he lost control of the kite, wnet strait to the near by rocks and die at the hospital.

There have a been a strong debate on the french forum: ... 61897.html

Someone in the forum pointed out the responsability as:
1) The victime => But if he was a beginner I doubt that he really understoud the risk.
2) Tis friend => after 4 years of kitting, you can resonnably expect that he would know that playing on the beach with 30 knows is dangerous independently of the size of the kite.
3) The fellow kiters on the beach => someone should have step in and tell two guys that were playing with fire.

This made the news on the french TV

Independently to the tragic lost for his family, this should remind everyone that it is our responsability to step in if we see a potential dangerous behaviour.
This is even in our self interest because stories like this making the news may trigger kite ban. This statement may sound horrible for some but at the end of the day, the important thing is to prevent accidents.

Re: Fatality in France

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:14 am
by Toby
the beginner can't know the risk. As you stated, the friend and surrounding kiters should have stopped this.
Thanks for this reminder, hopefully many will read it and keep this in mind.

In 20+ knots of wind you don't play with any kite on the beach...quick launch and landing only...everything else could cost your life, which unfortunately in this case did.

Did they have onshore winds?

Re: Fatality in France

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:30 am
by Ned Divine
Feng wrote: this should remind everyone that it is our responsability to step in if we see a potential dangerous behaviour.
Very correct... Some won't listen but some will.
I remember running downwind 200m on the beach, in the winter (=gusty) and offering to land a 12m kite held by a novice doing the walk of shame in 25+ knots, barely being able to keep himself on the ground. He refused (!!! :angryfire: ) and said that he was OK..! I told him that it is dangerous etc. etc. , he smiled and told me not to worry..! He did survive and hopefully he is more responsible now...

Re: Fatality in France

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:39 pm
by magic%20Ed
[quote="Toby"]the beginner can't know the risk.[/quote]

Don't agree. In this age of information anybody can know the risk. The beginner is just not interested enough to prepare his kiting day or took the risk willingly.

Being uninformed is a personal responsability.

Re: Fatality in France

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:55 pm
by crash&burn
quote="Toby"]the beginner can't know the risk.[/quote]

Don't agree. In this age of information anybody can know the risk. The beginner is just not interested enough to prepare his kiting day or took the risk willingly.

Being uninformed is a personal responsability.

i agree 100 percent

Re: Fatality in France

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:22 pm
by Pike
after teaching waterskiing & wakeboarding for many years (& now kitesurfing for as many) I can tell you that one thing beginners don't do in a panic situation - they don't let go. I've had learners being dragged, face first, through the water as I pull back on the throttle shouting let go! let go!

having your hook in loop being held by someone else, kite turns into the power zone, 30mph?? with a panic grip?? jeez....

Re: Fatality in France

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:39 pm
by kinibay kiter
Eh ..... Beginners actually know very little about the inherent dangers
In fact even when you can go on a TT u still know very little

Re: Fatality in France

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:50 pm
by voodoospirit
he was a beginner/intermediate rider
the friend tested the kite first to see if the kite wasn t too big for the other one, it was ok
he said he made the mistake to trimm the kite too much and his friend wasn t experienced in that wind strenght.

too much trimmed kite + gusty wind, the kite fell in the window (slacked rear lines = hard to control the kite), went back up => lofted at 3m => crash horizontally at 50km/h in few seconds (not on rocks but on a dirt road)

the beach is considered potentially dangerous as it s not very large.

the article, is from the friend who was with him:

Bonjour, je suis Patrick, l'ami qui était avec Arnaud qui s'est tué au Jaï et je voudrais donner des précisions afin que l'ensemble des pratiquants sachent ce qui s'est exactement passé au travers de ce que j'ai vécu, et non pas par le récit des journalistes : Arnaud, n'était pas un kiteur débutant comme il a été dit. Un stage au Brésil l'été dernier, en mer rouge cet automne, j'ai navigué avec lui dans le var en Juin dernier... Mais c'est vrai, il n'avait pas l'expérience d'un vent aussi fort et j'aurais du lui interdire de sortir même si un pote qui vient de Lyon pour la journée en se tapant 6 h de bagnole est difficile à raisonner.. L'autre erreur qu'on a fait est de rallonger ses arrières d'un noeud pour lui donner plus de depower... Mais son aile (que j'ai testée avant lui, car je suis expérimenté et voulais m'assurer qu'elle ne "tirait" pas trop pour lui) est devenue insuffisamment bordée dans les grosses "molles" et nécessitait un assez bon doigté pour la laisser "respirer" et éviter que les lignes se détendent lors des trous d'air, et que l'aile reparte pleine balle en fenêtre, ce qui a catapulté Arnaud. Troisième erreur, en voulant bien faire, je lui ai levé l'aile et me suis posté derrière lui en tenant fermement son harnais, afin qu'il sente en quelques minutes son aile avant de partir. Il était prêt et sentait bien le truc, j'ai relaché ma vigilance et la molle, suivi de la rafale est arrivée !!! (conclusion : si on n'est pas sûr de son niveau, ne jamais s'en assurer sur terre mais tout de suite à l'eau ou on renonce. C'est la base de la sécu en kite, je le savais mais je l'ai, de façon incompréhensible, occulté.

Enfin, pour détail, sachez qu'il n'a pas fait un vol à 10 m de haut mais maxi 3 mètres et que c'est la vitesse latérale et non pas la hauteur qui l'a tué . Enfin, il n'est pas tombé sur des rochers, mais sur le chemin en terre. Une dernière chose, je souhaite dire à tous les pratiquants que, alors que j'ai l'expérience du vent fort, je n'aurais jamais cru, qu'avec une 6 m2 réglée "gros temps" une telle catapulte, aussi violente et rapide pouvait être possible, et je suis quasi certain que même les meilleurs d'entre nous, n'auraient sans doute pas eu le temps de larguer. De toute façon, même en larguant, mon ami est passé de 0 à 40 ou 50 km/h horizontal en moins d'une seconde. LE LARGEUR EST DONC LOIN D'ETRE UNE ASSURANCE TOUS RISQUES.

Aujourd'hui, je pleure mon ami d'enfance, je suis anéanti de douleur et de remord de ne pas avoir su lui faire renoncer et d'avoir cru que mes acquis devaient êtres innées, tellement je les ai intégrés ... Ma pratique du kite dans le vent très fort (35 knts et plus) et surtout irrégulier (ce qui est encore plus dangereux selon moi) est psychologiquement plus que compromise. Un dernier mot : Les kiteurs présents sur place hier, ont été très réconfortants, sympas et humains et je les en remercie infiniment ! pourriez vous, svp diffuser ce texte dans les news. "

Merci beaucoup - Patrick

Re: Fatality in France

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:27 pm
by Peter_Frank
Not that it might make any difference, I know - but did he wear a helmet or not ?

:-? Peter